Raising Awareness about 22q in UHN

22q is not well-known, even among medical professionals. In order to raise awareness, we displayed our poster about 22q on the computers of the University Health Network (UHN) in November from 2021 to 2023. The healthcare professionals we aimed to reach are those who work at the Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital, and Toronto Rehab – University Centre.

Please feel free click to download the following poster in jpg or pdf format. Together, let’s raise awareness for 22q!

Poster about 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

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Lighting the CN Tower in Red!

CN Tower in red November 22, 2023

The CN Tower was lit up in red for a third year in a row on November 22nd, 2023. Even though there were some clouds in the sky, Joanne Loo (our Education and Communication Officer) and Lisa Palmer (our Registered Social Worker), along with their family members managed to capture the beautiful sight from multiple locations in Toronto. Please click on this Google Photo link to see the amazing photos.

We chose November 22nd (“22/11”) as a play on the name of the condition, 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (“22q”). The lighting of the CN Tower was part of the “Luces por el 22q/Lighting the 22q” international awareness movement that began in Spain in 2018. Buildings in Spain, Germany, Belgium, Finland and the city of Philadelphia, United States, were lit up as part of the movement on the 22nd of November in previous years. In 2021, Toronto joined this international awareness movement. We continue to be a national leader in providing care for families through clinics at the Toronto General Hospital and at SickKids Hospital, and in internationally renowned research into adult outcomes and genetics.

If you would like to light up other buildings or monuments to raise awareness for 22q11.2 deletion and duplication syndromes, here is a letter and a set of instructions to help you.

Please click the Google Photo links below to see photos from previous years:

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