Our presentations
The following lists presentations that were tailor-made for individuals with 22q11.2DS and their families and caregivers, as well as the general public.
For research-focused 22q presentations made to medical professionals and researchers, please visit our research presentations page.
Presentations in 2022
The 12th Biennial International 22q11.2 Conference - Family Meeting
Split, Croatia
July 26th to 28th, 2022
Anne Bassett
- Optimizing Outcomes for Adults
- Pediatric and Adult Healthcare Recommendations
- Newborn Screening
- Report from the International 22q11.2 Brain and Behaviour Consortium
- The Importance of Having a Medical Manager
Lisa Palmer
- Keeping Safe as an Emerging Adult - Internet Safety, Medical Power of Attorney, Sexuality…
Ania Fiksinski
- Understanding IQ Scores
Presentations in 2021
22q11.2 Family Conference Web Series
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual 22q11.2 Family Conference adopted the format of monthly online webinars. The theme of the 2020-2021 web series was Mental Health Matters. Our Clinic Director, Dr. Anne Bassett, spoke about Mental Health and 22q Research on March 4th, 2021. Our Social Worker, Lisa Palmer, talked about the Benefits of Peer and Other Supports on May 16th, 2021.
Presentations in 2018
The 3rd Scientific 22q11 Seminar for Families and Professionals
Center of Genetics and Genomics, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile
November 17th, 2018
News article (Spanish)
Dr. Erik Boot, our former Dalglish fellow who is specialized in intellectual disabilities, presented “Health care management of adults with a 22q11.2 deletion” to family members.
5th Annual 22q11.2 SickKids Family Conference
Toronto, ON, Canada
November 3rd, 2018
At this conference geared towards young patients and their families at SickKids Hospital, Clinic social worker Lisa Palmer facilitated workshops about advocacy and disclosing a diagnosis of 22q.
The 11th Biennial International 22q11.2 Conference - Family Meeting
Whistler, BC, Canada
July 14th to 15th, 2018
Family Meeting Program
Anne Bassett
- Optimizing Outcomes for Adults
- Report from the International 22q11.2 Brain and Behaviour Consortium
- The Importance of Having a Medical Manager
Ania Fiksinski
- Understanding IQ Scores
Phoenix Children’s Hospital 4th Annual 22q Family Symposium
Phoenix, Arizona May 19th, 2018
Dr. Anne Bassett was the keynote speaker at this family event, where the theme was “Transition to Success”. She spoke about health issues associated with 22q over the lifetime, especially in teenagers and adults.
Presentations in 2017
Ontario Police Presentation
Richmond Hill, Ontario April 7th, 2017
Clinic social worker Lisa Palmer and dietitian Samantha D’Arcy presented at the York Region Police headquarters to a group of police officers across Ontario who work in schools to educate about safety issues. They presented information about 22q and gave tips on how to communicate with people with 22q in the context of law enforcement and safety issues.
Presentations in 2016
3rd Annual 22q Family Conference
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
November 12th, 2016
At this conference geared towards patients and their families, Clinic social worker Lisa Palmer presented about personal advocacy, consent and respect. Clinic dietitian Megan Morrison presented about nutrition and exercise.
Grey Bruce Health System Grand Rounds
Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
April 14th to 15th, 2016
At two presentation in Owen Sound and nearby Walkerton, Ontario, Dr. Bassett and Dr. Boot presented about 22q, its prevalence, features and new advances in research to clinicians, community workers and educators, and the general public.
Presentations in 2015
2nd Annual 22q Family Conference
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
November 7th, 2015
Dr. Erik Boot and our Clinic social worker, Lisa Palmer, presented two talks about transitioning to adult care for individuals with 22q and their families, as well as developing advocacy skills.
22q University Online Webinar
February 2nd, 2015
Our registered dietitian, Megan Morrison, presented a webinar called “Nutritional Health and its impact on Adults with 22q Deletion Syndrome” via 22q University. A video recording of this webinar can be viewed on the website of the 22q Family Foundation (formerly known as the Dempster Family Foundation).
Presentations in 2014
22q Workshop for York Support Services Network
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
November 2014
Our Clinic social worker, Pam MacFarlane, presented a workshop to members of the York Support Services Network about 22q, its features and how to best support individuals living with this condition.
The 9th Biennial International 22q11.2 Conference - Family Meeting
Mallorca, Spain June 21st, 2014
Dr. Anne Bassett presented “Long-term psychiatric management and anticipatory care - Adult management guidelines” [Video]
Presentations in 2013
TEDMED Day 2013
Dr. Bassett’s gave a presentation on TEDMED DAY 2013, which was hosted by the Institute of Medical Sciences at the University of Toronto. The video is available on YouTube.