22q Transition Clinic Day

Tuesday, 17th November 2015 9:00 am

In Toronto, there are two clinics that serve individuals with 22q11.2DS:

- The 22q Deletion Syndrome Clinic at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto; and
- The Dalglish Family Hearts and Minds Clinic for Adults with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome at the Toronto General Hospital.

When a teenager with 22q11.2DS approaches adulthood, he/she will leave the pediatric healthcare system at the Hospital for Sick Children and join the adult system at the Toronto General Hospital. To make this medical transition easier, the two clinics, in collaboration with the Good-2-Go Transition Program, hold transition days twice a year.

The next 22q Transition Clinic Day takes place on Tuesday, November 17th. In this day-long group program, teens between 17 and 19 years of age, along with their families, have the opportunity to find out more about the syndrome, learn how to transition successfully, and tour the Dalglish Clinic.

If you are a patient at the 22q Deletion Clinic and would like to take part at this event, please speak with staff members at the 22q Deletion Clinic. Thank you.